The EUMCC Department of our company is
responsible for implementing the measures to
track, identify, locate and recover assets
necessary to meet client's debt obligation.
To effectively protect the property of the
Urgently collect from available sources the
information about the property directly or
indirectly owned by the client-debtor
located in any territory of the country or
abroad; Submit the collected information to
the relevant national institutions in order
to implement all available legal measures
for its seizure, confiscation and recovery;
Supporting relevant institutions to ensure
an efficient and prompt procedure of assets
High speed and efficiency of debt collection
High professional staff specialized in debt
Low amount of non-recovered debts;
Work schedule- 24 hours a day
Access to the different open databases and
sources of information;
Wide network of employees in capital and
Prompt legal expertise;
Operational interaction and collaboration
with relevant authorities;
The EUMCC Department of our company reports
directly to the Board of Directors of our
Company and is responsible for the
implementation of measures and procedures in
the following areas:
- Counteraction and detection of the facts
of fraud in relation to property and
financial interests of the company;
- Development and implementation of an Early
Warning System to help to identify high-risk
clients at an early stage;
- Maintain a Special Register of debts and
actions for the implementation of debts
recovery measures;
- Carrying out collection of information in
accordance with national legal acts
necessary to initiate the procedure of the
recovery of debts;
- Carrying out on-site inspections necessary
to identify the property which could be used
to recover the debts in the territory of
country and abroad.
- Interaction with clients - debtors to
ensure the voluntary payment of debts out of
court procedure;
-To cooperate with other specialized
companies and experts in order to recover
the debts;
- Conducting of legal expertise of documents
related to the initiation of court
procedures for the seizure of assets;
- Assessment of the value of the property
that can be used to repay the debt;
- Initiation of court and other proceedings
aimed at the seizure and recovery of assets;
- Representing the legitimate interests of a
creditor company in Law Enforcement Agencies
and Courts during the debts recovery
- Cooperation with Law Enforcement Agencies
and Court Bailiffs related with procedure of
implementation of effective recovery of
seized and confiscated assets;
- Technical and expert support of activities
carried out by relevant bodies (LEA's,
Courts, and Bailiffs) during the procedure
of recovery of debts;
-Organization of training of staff of the
company and representatives of other
institutions focused on prompt and effective
recovery of debts.
Experts with many years of experience in the
governmental agencies and private entities
responsible for:
Investigation and prosecution of serious
economic crimes;
Criminal and Financial intelligence;
Strategic and operational analysis;
Search and identification of immoveable,
moveable and intangible assets in country
and abroad;
Legal and economic expertise of criminal and
civil cases related to recovery of damage
and debts;
Assessment of the value of property;
Administration of property.
EUMCC Department officers are ready for
communication and cooperation 24/7 for
clients - debtors who need to get additional
consultation and advise concerning
possibility to repay the debt;
Clients - debtors or related persons are
strongly encouraged to promptly provide
information on the fulfillment of
obligations in the area of debt repayment at
the request of an EUMCC Department
Contact phone number and e-mail:
Providing false or incorrect information
about property to the EUMCC Department
officers can be used as a reason to initiate
additional legal proceedings;Support in
hiding property or registering this property
in other name in order to avoid recovery can
be used as a reason to initiate additional
legal proceedings;Refusing to pay a debt
voluntary and immediately can lead to:
-initiation of
legal proceedings aimed at seizure and
confiscation of the property;
-the need to pay off not only the full
amount of the debt, but also additional
legal costs in court and relevant